Commies in Paradise- The Novel
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"Commies in Paradise"

(Before the Government bans it under the guise of "Free Speech")

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Excerpts from the novel:

Imagine the future… America 2067. What will it be like? Most hope for a prosperous nation fostering ethics and institutions admired around the world. Dreamers picture an idyllic Eden, with citizens peacefully living in harmony. However, others are more uncertain, envisioning a lost nation eroding into a failed state of modern dystopia. Doomsayers portend a bureaucratic nightmare mired in ethnic division merrily squandering its once great wealth on whimsical programs and erroneous projects. More than likely though, America will muddle along as it’s always done, surviving numerous ups and downs, booms and busts. Humanity will survive, navigating the twists and turns of political drama. Individuals will continue seeking ever elusive happiness, and of course, love.

For this story, venture ahead in time... It is the age of the New Democracy. The old constitution served its purpose, now best preserved as an interesting relic of a dark and ignorant past. The new constitution is a document every citizen can be proud of. An up to date and progressive product devised by the brightest intellects gracing the nation’s most prestigious universities. Inequalities of the past are corrected, inequity stamped out and eradicated like an old disease. No longer is the earth raped and plundered by a few to advance insatiable greed. Yes, at last- paradise attained. It only took the right people at the top.

Despite the preponderance of promised bliss, a young man still wonder’s about life. Like others throughout the world he struggles with self-doubt, wondering why he doesn’t fit in. Repeated counselling and discussions of self-esteem leave him wanting. Will he ever figure out what’s missing? And where there’s a young man there always a young woman. She’s struggling also, a mere oversight overlooked by a world preferring not to care. Even the perfect system ignores a few unfortunates, delimited to acceptable error. But she won’t give up. Fate throws them together and they try to make a life against an uncertain background. Is the future underneath so much different, or just an instant replay with new names and faces?

In the midst of myriad technological breakthroughs, mankind still seems confounded by quandaries plaguing the ancients. It’s easy to get lost in the maze of push buttons and magical cures. But alas, no matter how we play it, Monday morning always rolls around again. How could this be? The illuminati’s visions of grandeur appeared so wonderful on paper. The self-enlightened within the closed circle all agreed- it’s great greatest plan ever! Why isn’t it working? How demoralizing, realizing you’re not much smarter than previous generations, possibly even a little dumber at times. No, that can’t be. Let’s blame the unwashed masses, lazily clinging to outmoded traditions- cretins unwilling to absorb the newfound wisdom.

This is my glimpse of the future. I predict we can look forward to more glitter and gadgets as mankind continues to march ahead seeking its elusive goal. The world will become quicker and smaller, leaving men even more in awe of their own accomplishments. They will construct a new world in their own image, fixing the parts God messed up. However, things may go awry. Unscrupulous sorts, irrespective of laws and edicts to the contrary, will persist in their quest for power over others. Good citizens, armed with the best intentions, will paradoxically continue rupturing havoc and chaos. The hoi polloi will persist in petty jealousies, quibbling over ‘who got the biggest half’, envious of others with more. And there will be the few who try to rise above the fray, and leave it all behind. So follow along, life’s journey into tomorrow only guarantees one thing- the unexpected. For more information view: Kindle Books